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August 01, 2004
Justice Unlimited
I just wrapped up running a brainiac treasure hunt with Team Snout. 25 teams of 2-8 people competed in a 30+ hour clue based game that spanned a good 300-400 miles. Various teams in the bay area take turns hosting games and Team Snout usually runs one every other year. Each clue is a complex puzzle that reveals the next clue location. There's no prize for winning and most teams just hope to finish in the alotted time. The game we just hosted was superhero based under the premise that all the regular superheroes (x-men, superman, batman, etc) have been sucked through a dimensional portal and we're now recruiting less than extraordinary superheroes to fill their shoes. We made the teams that applied come up with their own special powers, however most involved insomnia, narcolepsy, or hindsight. At least some of the teams had interesting costumes when they showed up with their applications. I spent the month of July assembling way too many circuit boards and was up till the wee hours of the morning on Saturday helping finish up one of the devices before game start at 10am. I belive we manufactured 700+ clues (25+ clue sites x 25 teams). I designed several puzzles including an electronic one that uses LEDs (light emitting diodes) to form code phrases in mid-air when spun like a lasso on a string.
Posted by cary at August 1, 2004 08:13 PM